No two days are the same. One day I could be working for (a German digital agency) to create content for multi-nationals like Amway and Continental. The next helping Mettra (a small stationery business with some big design ideas) with their brand story.
I am now based in Tunbridge Wells. Before this, I lived in New Zealand. Here I built a successful business writing copy and content for a massive range of clients. Living in Wellington meant I regularly worked with New Zealand government departments. And also with blue chip companies like ANZ and NZI. Projects ranged from websites to video scripts, brochures to billboards.
Going back to the beginning of my career… I cut my teeth in the UK at TMP Worldwide – a recruitment advertising agency. Here I worked with designers and a fantastic creative director who taught me how important it is to create connections through storytelling. A lesson that has truly stood the test of time. I worked on a wide range of projects from attracting ethnic minorities into the Police, to recruiting F grade nurses for various NHS Trusts.
I’ve worked on masses of projects, campaigns and content (too many to list here). Please explore my portfolio to read some of my words.